College is one of the stages in students’ lives when they lose control over certain things. Some aspects may indeed go amess. The stress that college brings can make students go unorganized. Students start losing control over their bedtimes, meals, tidiness of their rooms, bags, desks and even desktop, etc. However, the organization is a key to success at college. It is a prerequisite for productivity and success during college. This is something that students usually don’t know or ignore. This article is intended to help you stay organized and productive in college.
It all starts with time and schedule
Being organized and productive has to do with time and doing things in their proper time. This happens on different levels. you need to organize your classes, special college events, functions, exams, food timings, sleep timings, etc. This might seem too much to take at one time, and this is why students usually lose control over their college lives. To do well in this part, divide these activities and use different methods to organize them. For example, use a calendar app to organize things on a monthly basis. Classes, college events, functions, exams, bending fees, exercise, meetings, and term papers can go on this calendar which will send you reminders upon each class and event. There are a lot of free calendar apps that makes this step easier. Sleep can be timed using an alarm on either phone or clock. Try to fix it so that it rings every day at the same time reminding you of the time to go to bed and the time to wake up. Food timings become easier to organize when you organize your sleep. If you manage to wake up early, you will have time to have breakfast and won’t lose it. To manage lunch, try to pack it ahead of going to college, so at lunchtime, you can have it easily.
Task lists will definitely take it to the next level
While calendars and clocks help in reminding you of the time of an event, task lists or to-do lists are especially useful to tell you of the tasks you have to do for each event. A calendar tells you that you have a term paper or assignment on a certain date, while a task list tells you that you should prepare certain agenda for discussion, take a printout of the assignment or paper, prepare a presentation, etc. your daily or weekly routine should allow you the time to sit and make a to-do list for the important events you will be having in college. Also, you should have another task-list of the repetitive tasks that you need to do on a daily or weekly basis like cleaning, cooking, preparing meals, doing the laundry, etc. Such a list can be hung on the fridge, for example, to keep an eye on it all the time.
Class materials are very important to think of in order to be organized
One of the reasons why class materials go messy is that students fail to recognize which books, handouts, and papers belong to which subjects. They sometimes fail to know the requirements for each subject. This is because they forget to take notes during class. Taking notes while the teacher or the professor is giving a lecture is important to keep your thoughts organized, not to forget anything, and to know what materials and handouts you are required to read and study. Another issue is that when the time comes for revision or exam, students fail to locate their materials and handouts or they mix them up. To avoid this and maintain organization, you might think of using a folder or box for each subject. You can label them and use them from the beginning of the term to place notes, handouts, assignments. If your materials are electronic books, PDFs, or documents, think of assigning a folder on your drive for each material. Even within each folder, you can still classify your materials into different types. This will make it much easier to retrieve whatever materials you want at any time. When you get to organize them in an effective manner, you will save time and, your productivity will increase.
An organized desk and bag can indeed make your day
Your desk can carry your laptop, textbook, pens, pencils, etc… If it goes messy, working would be difficult and you would be distracted and get furious spending your time searching for the things you need. You can use paper trays, pen holders, and other desk tools to organize your desk. The same goes for the bag you take to college every day. You shouldn’t forget to pack your things before college because this will get you into trouble forgetting your textbook, for example, or even your lunch. Give some time in your daily to-do list to pack your bag each morning. This will lessen your worries and help you focus on the activities of the day.
In short, an organization can indeed enhance your college productivity. Waking up, eating, and attending classes and meetings on time is crucial. Organize your tasks in lists ahead of time, classify your materials and keep your desk and bag neat and clean. This is how success at college can be attained. Apply now at one of the best colleges in coimbatore